Water Pt01 A Cause for Splash
(latim aqua, -ae)
nome feminino
Líquido natural (H2O), transparente, incolor, geralmente insípido e inodoro, indispensável para a sobrevivência da maior parte dos seres vivos.
Decidi fazer duas M4we de seguida (#16 e #17) baseadas na semântica de umas palavras de uso quotidiano. Esta é a primeira e escolhi como causa a palavra “água”.
Fonte de vida e alicerce da nossa compleição física a água é no entanto exactamente como eu não quero nunca a minha música: insípida. Por isso e como exercício de estilo decidi descrever algumas das minha escolhas apoiado por dittys populares mas em que essa palavra é transparente, invisível mesmo…
Começo com a bela mademoiselle Hardy que no ano em que nasci editava o seu segundo disco de originais (descontando L’Amour d’un Garçon que era uma adaptação do The Love of a Boy da dupla Burt Bacharach e Hal David), contando com uma integra produção de Marcel Hendrix, e que mostrava já o portento da compositora ao meter definitivamente ____ na fervura da ideia de que estávamos perante só mais uma artista do Yéyé com carinha laroca. Um ano depois Françoise Hardy seria já a coqueluche da pop internacional, amiga de Dylan, dos Beatles e dos Stones.
Mais à frente escolho um clássico de Fela Kuti mas na voz do seu filho Femi que começou a sua carreira a tocar na banda do seu pai, os Egypt 80, até que em 1986 estreou a sua Positive Force. Water No Get Enemy é mensagem que traz ____ no bico, servindo o liquido como figura de estilo para o povo nigeriano: não lutes contra a ____, não existe poder se nos tornarmos inimigos do mais essencial de todos os recursos de um país, o seu povo.
Enxoto a ____ do capote ao bisar alguns dos repetentes destas escolhas mas seria indecente não ter mais uma dos Duo Ouro Negro ou de Prince. Até mesmo Summertime volta a aparecer aqui mas desta vez pela voz de George Benson. Músico profissional desde os 21 anos, Benson aos 7 tocava ukulele à esquina de uma drugstore e aos 9 já gravava discos. Mas foi em 1976 com Breezin’ que este marinheiro de ____ doce nativo de Pittsburgh provou aos honchos da Warner Brothers, com quem tinha contracto na altura, que podia fazer mais do que tocar guitarra. É que pelos vistos havia na companhia quem achasse que Benson não tinha grandes dotes vocais e foi com certeza este multi-platinado álbum que os deixou a ferver em pouca ____ao demonstrar exactamente o contrário.
Passo por Walking on the Beach, Paulo de Carvalho com a Banda 4 a capar a ____ nas praias do Algarve, entre Sheiks e Fluido, num registo cheio de influencias psicadélicas logo depois de Smoke on the Water, composto originalmente pelos Deep Purple mas que por Uwe Schmidt, aqui assinando como Señor Coconut, talvez o mais famoso dos seus nom de plume, manda por ____ abaixo a ideia de que uma cover version não pode ficar para a história da pop.
Enquanto que a escolha de uma série de hits menores do cancioneiro do r’n’b é mesmo indicativo da forma como posso levar ____ ao meu moinho, tenho no entanto de tirar o chapéu ao capitão Gainsbourg, verdadeiro poeta da sua lingua e que aqui deve ter tido ____ pela barba para se lembrar de rimar as palavras farouche e bouche para a letra da música titulo do filme realizado por Jacques Doniol-Valcroze em 1960. Alerto que umas quantas canções antes largo lastro com a maravilhosa Bòd Lanmè Pa Lwen de Bokanté, alter ego de Michael League dos Snarky Puppy e responsável pela produção de AuRora, próximo album de Gisela João o qual, talvez por causa destas coisas da pandemia mundial, tem estado um pouco em ____s de bacalhau a nível de um data concreta de edição.
Thomas Fuller escreveu um dia que “enquanto o poço não seca, não sabemos dar valor à ____” e é por isso que trajectória final desta semana deixa um sabor a sal nas derradeiras três canções: o sofrimento expresso pelos Famous Blue Jay Singers of Birmingham vem por um melancólico rio abaixo (Brian Eno no seu melhor disco de sempre, Before and After Science) para desaguar no clássico La Mer, aqui interpretado pelo gigante Django Reinhardt. Como se a ____ do mar fosse composta pelo suor e as lágrimas da Terra e dos que lá vivem…
NOTA: Intitulei com o nome de Cinco Falsas Partidas a ilustração desta semana que é uma montagem de 2 imagens da série In the Swimming Pool da talentosa fotógrafa Maria Svarbova. Espero que consigam este fim de semana ir a banhos para umas merecidas e bem refrescantes cacholadas.
#staysafe #musicfortheweekend
Old English wæter (noun), wæterian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch water, German Wasser, from an Indo-European root shared by Russian voda (compare with vodka), also by Latin unda ‘wave’ and Greek hudōr ‘water’
Natural liquid (H2O), transparent, colorless, generally tasteless and odorless, indispensable for the survival of most living beings.
I decided to make two M4we in a row (# 16 and # 17) based on the semantics of some common everyday words. This is the first one and I chose the word “water” as my so called trigger.
Source of life and foundation of our physique, however, water is exactly how I don’t want my music: tasteless. For this reason and as a stylistic exercise I decided to describe some of my choices supported by popular dittys but in which that word is transparent, even invisible…
I start with the beautiful mademoiselle Hardy who, in the year I was born, published her second album of originals (if you discount L’Amour d’un Garçon, an adaptation of The Love of a Boy by Burt Bacharach and Hal David), with an integral production by Marcel Hendrix that already showed the portent of the composer and definitely threw _____ into the fire of any idea that she was just one more pretty as a picture Yéyé artist. Only one year after and Françoise Hardy would already be the toast of the international pop Jetset, rubbing shoulders with Dylan, the Beatles and the Stones.
It is said the blood is thicker than _____. So, for that reason alone later in line I selected a classic by Fela Kuti but in the voice of his son Femi who started his career playing in his father’s band, Egypt 80 until, in 1986, he debuted his Positive Force. Water No Get Enemy has a message that brings the stablished order into deep _____, serving the liquid as a figurative parable for the Nigerian people: do not fight against ____, there is no power if we become enemies of the most essential of all the resources of any country, it’s people.
I trouble the _____ by pressing some sort of imaginary repeat button of these weekly elections but it would be indecent not to have just one more by Duo Ouro Negro or Prince. Even Summertime returns, but this time by George Benson’s voice. Professional musician since the age of 21, Benson was still wet behind the ears when he started, at the age of 7, playing the ukulele around the corner of a drugstore, so at 9 he was already making records. But it was in 1976 with Breezin’ that this musician from Pittsburgh decided against throwing the baby out with the bath _____, proving to Warner Brother’s honchos, with whom he had a contract at the time, that he could do more than play the guitar. It seems that in his label there were those who thought that Benson did not have great vocal skills and it was certainly this multi-platinum album that left them discovering warm _____ by demonstrating exactly the opposite.
Barefoot in the sand, Walking on the Beach shows us a young Paulo de Carvalho with Banda 4 in the shallow _____s of the beaches in the Algarve, between Sheiks and Fluido, in a register full of psychedelic influences right after Smoke on the Water, originally composed by Deep Purple but that, by the hand of Uwe Schmidt here signing as Señor Coconut, perhaps the most famous of his nom de plume, dries up the drip on the idea that a cover version cannot go down in pop music history.
While the choice of a series of minor hits from the r’n’b songbook is really indicative of how I draw _____ to my own mill, I must nevertheless take off my hat to Captain Gainsbourg, a true poet of his language and that must have walked on thin ice as he started rhyming the words farouche and bouche while writing the lyrics for the theme song of Jacques Doniol-Valcroze’s film of 1960.
I would like to warn everyone that a few songs previously I picked the wonderful Bòd Lanmè Pa Lwen by Bokanté, the alter ego of Snarky Puppy’s Michael League who is responsible for the production of AuRora, Gisela João’s next album which, perhaps because of this world pandemic, has seen a lot of _____ running under the bridge before we get a concrete release date.
Thomas Fuller wrote one day that “as long as the well doesn’t dry, we don’t know how to value ____” and that is why this week’s final trajectory leaves a salty taste in the final three songs: the suffering expressed by the Famous Blue Jay Singers of Birmingham comes downstream a melancholic river (Brian Eno on his best record ever, Before and After Science) to finally recede into the classic La Mer, played here by the colossal Django Reinhardt. As if the _____ of the sea was made of the sweat and tears of the Earth and those who live there …
NOTE: I titled this week’s illustration with the name of Five False Starts, which is a montage of 2 images from the In the Swimming Pool series by the talented photographer Maria Svarbova. I hope you manage to go dip in the ocean this weekend for some well-deserved and refreshing splashes.
#staysafe #musicfortheweekend
Françoise Hardy – Le Premier Bonheur du Jour
Art Garfunkel – Waters of March
Jimi Tenor – Beach Boy
Holger Czukay – Cool in the Pool
Piper – Summer Breeze
Ponzu Island – Welcome to Ponzu Island
Tom Misch – Water Baby (feat. Loyle Carner)
Azymuth – O Pescador
Femi Kuti – Water No Get Enemy
Fancy – Tropicana Beach
Isabelle Antena – Le Poisson Des Mers Du Sud
Jean-Luc Ponty – Beach Girl
Grace Jones – All On A Summer’s Night
Duo Ouro Negro – Dança do Robalinho
Bokanté + Metropole Orchestra – Bòd Lanmè Pa Lwen (The Beach Is Not Far)
Wynder K. Frog – Wade in the Water (BBC Version)
Serge Gainsbourg – L’eau à la bouche
Bander – Heisser Sand auf Sylt
Pery Ribeiro feat. Walter Wanderley & Seu Conjunto – O Barquinho
Billy ‘the Kid’ Emerson – You Never Miss The Water
Coty Inc. – Summer Blonde Advertisement
George Benson – Summertime
Charlie Drake – Splish Splash
Masayoshi Takanaka – My Secret Beach
Shirley Ellis – Ever See a Diver Kiss His Wife While the Bubbles Bounce About Above the Water
The Lifeguards – Everybody Out’ta the Pool
Incognito with Omar and Anna Caram – Water to Drink (Água de Beber)
Prince – Something in the Water (Does Not Compute)
Señor Coconut and his Orchestra – Smoke on the Water
Banda 4 – Walking on the Beach
Graham Central Station – Water
Andy Loore – Tremplin Olympique
Richard Schneider Jr – Hello Beach Girls
Videotapemusic – Hot Pants In The Summercamp
Sal Salvador – I Cover The Waterfront
Los Chicharrons – Summer Fever
Turquoise Colored French Tourists – Poolparty
Famous Blue Jay Singers of Birmingham – Children Wade In The Water
Brian Eno – By This River
Django Reinhardt – La Mer